От издателя The Italian epic came of age with Giuseppe de Liguoro's imaginative silent film of the Inferno, loosely adapted from Dante and inspired by the ilustrations of Gustave Dore L'lnferno was first scrбфрйсeened in Naples in the Teatro Mercandante on 10th March 1911 The film took over three years to make and was the first full length Italian feature film ever made Its success was not confined to Italy, it was an International hit taking more than $2 million in the Unitвдбпчed States alone Режиссеры: Франческо Бертолини Адольфо Падован Джузеппе Дэ Луиджио Продюсер: Тим Пирс Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Фильм - немой с английскими титрами Режиссеры Франческо Бертолини Francesco Bertolini Адольфо Падован Adolfo Padovan Джузеппе Дэ Луиджио Giuseppe de Liguoro Актеры (показать всех актеров) Саладор Папа Salvatore Papa Артуро Пировано Arturo Pirovano Джузеппе Дэ Луиджио Giuseppe de Liguoro. |